How to Get Rid of Yeast Infections in Kittens' Ears
Things You'll Need
- Medication Cotton balls White vinegar Rubbing alcohol Ear wash
Take your kitten to the vet. It's important to confirm that the infection was indeed caused by yeast. Other causes of kitten ear infections include ear mites and wax issues. Often, the vet will take a sample from your kitten's ears to determine the cause of the infection.
Apply as directed any medications your vet prescribes. For yeast infections, your vet will likely prescribe antibiotic ear drops, which you will need to administer twice daily.
After you put drops in your kitten's ears, gently massage them with your thumb and forefinger. This will ensure that the medications drop into the base of the canal.
Wipe the exterior of the ear canal with a cotton ball. This will remove any secretions or excess medicine. Do not push the cotton ball into the ear canal; merely wipe the exterior areas.
Mix equal parts warm water and white vinegar. Flush the exterior of your kitten's ears with the solution. The vinegar helps to kill yeast growth.
Create a solution with 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup vinegar and 2 tbsp. of rubbing alcohol. Distribute the solution throughout the exterior of the ear canal, massaging the area gently. Both the rubbing alcohol and vinegar serve to kill bacteria growth in the area, including yeast.
Use an over-the-counter ear wash on your kitten. This will help prevent yeast growth in the ears. You can find ear washes at most pet-supply stores.