How to Clear Liquid Draining From Ear

Liquid can occur in the ears from many different issues. Luckily, it can be drained easily. Follow these simple steps to drain the liquid from your ears. If this does not work, seek the advice of a professional.

Things You'll Need

  • Soft cloth
  • Over-the-counter wax removal
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    • 1

      Pull any and all hair back and out of the way of the affected ear.

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      Press a clean cloth against the ear, and then lay down. The liquid inside should drain slowly and be caught up in the cloth. This may take awhile, so be patient, and give it at least 15-30 minutes to drain completely.

    • 3

      Wipe the inside of the ear after it has drained to clear any liquid that has been caught inside. Be careful you do not go into the ear canal. Gently clean the inside of the ear using a Q-tip to help clear the liquid from the ear.

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      Use an over-the-counter ear wax removal. This will help rid the ear of wax, which may cause some drainage. Purchase from any pharmacy, drug store, super-center or grocery store. Follow the directions on the package carefully.

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      Repeat the above steps until all the liquid has drained completely from the ear. It may take a couple times to fully remove all of the liquid from the ear.

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