How to Relieve an Ear Ache
Things You'll Need
- Sweet oil
- Eyedropper
- Cotton balls
- Over-the-counter pain medication
Identify the reason for the earache before you try to relieve it without the help of a physician. If you believe injury to your ear or an infection has caused your earache, seek a doctor’s advice before you try to ease the pain. Earaches caused by toothaches, colds and respiratory infections, or moisture in the ear should respond well to easy at-home treatments.
Try using warm sweet oil to relieve an earache. Warm a small amount of sweet oil in an eyedropper by placing the dropper into a cup of hot water. Test the sweet oil’s temperature by placing a small amount of the warmed oil onto your wrist. If the oil feels cool to the touch, warm it a little more. If it feels hot, let it cool before using it. After the sweet oil has reached a warm temperature, tilt your head to the side (with the affected ear facing upward) and carefully allow a few drops of oil to drop into your ear. At first, this will feel strange and your hearing may seem a bit muffled. This sensation is normal and should pass within a few minutes.
Place a small cotton ball in your ear to hold the sweet oil in and keep air out to relieve an earache.
Take an over-the-counter pain reliever to relieve an earache. Choose a pain reliever that doesn’t contain a fever reducer. An earache that is accompanied by a fever may indicate a serious medical condition and fever reducing medications may mask this important symptom.
Prop your head up on a pillow to ease the pressure in your ears and relieve an earache.
Consult your doctor if you experience fever, hearing loss, severe pain, or if your earache lasts for more than 24 hours.