How to Drain a Beagle's Ear
Things You'll Need
- Cotton balls
- Pet ear cleaning solution (found in pet stores)
Squirt a small amount of cleaning solution into your beagle’s ear. Your dog will most likely need to be held closely while doing this as he will not enjoy the sensation of cold liquid going into his ear canal.
Gently massage the outside of the ear, which helps to break up wax and other build up in the ear.
Saturate a cotton ball in pet ear cleaning solution. This can be done by either squirting the cotton ball with solution if the bottle has a nozzle or by pouring a small amount of solution in a dish and soaking the cotton ball in it.
Swab out the inside of your beagle’s ear with the cotton ball, using a gentle, circular motion. Take care not to push the cotton ball too deeply into the ear. Doing so could cause more debris and build up to be pushed into the ear, leading to infection or other complications.
When the first cotton ball is heavily soiled, saturate another cotton ball in cleaning solution and repeat the process with additional cotton balls until the cotton balls are free of debris and the ear is drained.