How to Remove Fluid in Ears
Things You'll Need
- Rubbing alcohol
- Napkins
- ENT doctor
- Sinus medication
Stand on your head for a few minutes. It may seem silly but it does force the fluid to move in a different direction, possibly dislodging it from whatever parts in your ear it is trapped under.
Place your index finger in the upper back corner of your ear hole and hold it in place. It isn't the most comfortable of feeling, but this is also known to make fluid in your ear move around and eventually out. You can hold a napkin in place if you don't want the fluid to run around your finger.
Insert two or three drops of alcohol in your ear. Isopropyl alcohol in your ear will dry up any fluids that are left after step one and step two.
Take sinus medication. Sinus medication relieves stuffiness and loosens up mucus. Be sure to take sinus medication as directed and prepare to feel the side effects, especially if you aren't anywhere near sick. This is recommended to do before going to sleep.
Go see a doctor if the fluid stays there for more than a day. You may have something more than swimmer's ear. It could be the beginnings of an ear infection or other medical conditions. See an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist and be specific when telling him about fluids in your ears.