How to Use Peroxide to Remove Ear Wax
Things You'll Need
- 3 percent hydrogen peroxide solution
- Dropper or small container with a lip
- Cotton swabs
- Towel
Ear Wax Removal the Slow and Powerful Way
Set aside 30 minutes of time in which you can be undisturbed.
Place a towel flat over a pillow or wherever you will lie down.
Pour hydrogen peroxide into the container you will use, either the dropper or the small container with a lip.
Turn your head to the side so that it is parallel with the ground. While hovering your head over the towel (to catch any potential drops of liquid), either squirt or pour a small amount of hydrogen peroxide into the ear that is on top. If using a dropper, be sure to hold the dropper ABOVE the ear and allow the drops to drop in. (DO NOT put the tip of the dropper into the ear.) Keep your head level with the ground so that the liquid will be captured in your ear canal. This will be uncomfortable. The liquid will feel cold. At room temperature, it is much cooler than your body temperature. When the liquid flows against your eardrum, you will feel a short jolt of discomfort. This is normal and will quickly pass.
Lower your head onto the towel and rest, keeping your head tilted. This will feel weird--sounds are blocked in the treated ear, and the liquid is still cold. However, remain peaceful and calm. Rest your head. Try to stay still for 10 to 15 minutes. After the first minute or so (perhaps sooner, depending on the amount of ear wax you have to clear out), you will feel and hear bubbling in the treated ear. It will tickle. It will itch. It will feel annoying, and you will probably want to shake the liquid out of your ear and stop the treatment. As long as you do not feel pain, however, continue the treatment, lying peacefully and waiting--until the bubbling stops. Again, this will take 10 to 15 minutes. You may find that the bubbling is so extreme that you will need to add a bit more peroxide. If so, continue to add a few drops to keep the level of liquid in your ear.
When the bubbling has stopped, turn your head quickly to the other side, flipping over. You will feel the liquid drain out onto the towel. You may find bits of wax on the towel, or you may not. Shake your head a bit to make sure all the liquid has flowed out of your ear.
Repeat Steps 1 to 6 for the other ear.
Ear Wax Removal the Quick and Light Way
Pour a small amount of hydrogen peroxide into the cap of the peroxide container for a quick fix for visible ear wax
Dip one tip of a cotton swab into the peroxide in the cap to moisten it.
Apply this moistened tip to the outside of the ear and circle it gently around the outside of the ear canal (the visible part), being careful not to go further into the ear canal. Pushing into the ear canal can be dangerous, and it can further impact wax.
Repeat Steps 1 to 3 for the other ear, using multiple cotton swabs if necessary.