How to Identify a Ruptured Eardrum
Reflect on your experiences over the past few days. If you've been on a long flight with pressure change, been in the presence of loud noise, suffered an infection or experienced an injury to your ear, it's possible that you're experiencing ruptured eardrum symptoms.
Notice any sharp and abrupt pain that comes from the ear. Pain and discomfort are common ruptured eardrum symptoms.
Watch for drainage coming from your ear. While the drainage often appears as clear fluid, occasionally it's tainted with puss or blood.
Recognize that ruptured eardrums sometimes lead to extreme pain, followed by a period of decreased pain and then fluid drainage from the affected ear.
Think about your quality of hearing. People with ruptured eardrums sometimes experience diminished hearing quality or hearing loss.
Pay attention to any ringing in the ear, otherwise known as tinnitus. Ringing of the ear is one of several ruptured eardrum symptoms.
Be aware of vertigo or a spinning sensation, a symptom occasionally associated with a ruptured eardrum.