How to Chose Vitamins to Relieve Meniere's Disease
Choose These Vitamins for Relief of Meniere's Disease Symptoms
Take two 1000 mg tablets of Lemon Bioflavonoid a day to dilate inner blood vessels and increase blood flow. Lemon Bioflavonoid also increases membrane and capillary permeability, which reduces fluid accumulation in the middle ear.
Take one 10 mg tablet of Vinopocetine a day to increase blood flow and eliminate tinnitus. Increase to two tablets a day if you have no disagreeable side effects.
Take one 1000 mg of Beta 1, 3 Glucans tablet a day to prevent the spread of herpes and other viruses that may have caused Meniere's disease. It also helps with dizziness and tinnitus. Take up to three tablets a day if your symptoms are severe.
Take two 60 mg capsules of Ginkgo Biloba Extract a day. This will increase circulation in the middle ear, perfect for symptoms of dizziness, known more as a "spinning" feeling from those who suffer Meniere's disease.
Take two 1000 mg vitamins of Super C per day. It will increase blood vessel permeability, and allows the red blood cells to mobilize.
Take one Vitamin E-400 soft gel per day. This will increase blood vessel health and permeability. It also works well with vitamin C in this vitamin regime to combat Meniere's symptoms.
Take three 1000 mg tablets of Methylsufonylmethane (MSM) a day. This vitamin will restore tissue health in the middle ear. It will also reduce the possibility of allergic reactions, making this vitamin regime more effective and agreeable to your systems.
Take one 100 mg tablet of Vertigoheel or Cocculus Compositum and let it dissolve under the tongue. Vertigoheel is available with prescription, but Cocculus Compositum is the over the counter version, both made by the same company. These are one of the best treatments for symptoms of Meniere's disease. This treatment will eliminate confusion from aberrant balance signals, and it will offer immediate relief. Any symptoms of dizziness, imbalances, and motion sickness will find immediate relief from Vertigoheel or Cocculus Compositum. Be sure to remember not to swallow these tablets, and allow the tablet to dissolve under the tongue. The taste is sweet and pleasing.