How to Stop Hearing Loss
Have your hearing tested annually by a licensed hearing health care provider. This should be done whether you feel there is a loss or not and is offered at most offices for free.
Protect your hearing by avoiding exposure to uncomfortably loud noises. Theme parks and sporting events are two places you are likely to encounter damaging noise levels. When you can not avoid exposure to such noises wear hearing protection. Prepare ahead of time by always having a pair of foam plugs with you.
If you are diagnosed with hearing loss, even if it is only moderate,make sure to get it treated right away. This will stop permanent loss of hearing from occurring. When hearing aids are the suggested treatment, it is crucial that you follow that suggestion; it will slow the progression of the hearing loss.
Only wear quality digital hearing aids that adjust automatically. This will protect your ears from damaging sounds. It also ensures that you are getting the correct amount of restored sounds that your brain needs to get the benefit and save your hearing.