How to Protect a Child's Ears at an Air Show
Buy ear plugs that fit the child's ears. Choose a pair that is inserted into the ear and connected to a string so that the kids won't lose them when they play or run.
Bring a set of noise reduction ear muffs. You can buy them at at home improvement stores. Select an adjustable AO Safety rated ear muff and fit the ear muff to the child's head.
Insist that your children wear the hearing protection throughout the air show. Take them off only when the announcer lets you know there won't be any large, loud aircraft performing. When the noise level is below 75 decibels, give the kids a break.
Sit near the back center of the air show. The loudest spots are along the fences or barriers in the front. Planes take off and land in the same location. Avoid sitting near engine noise.
Leave before the loudest planes take off. The Blue Angels and other loud jets perform at the end of the show. Walk back to your car early and watch from inside the car. This will reduce the noise and protect your children's ears.