How to Identify the Degrees of Hearing Loss
Recognize mild hearing loss. Mild hearing loss is identified by a hearing threshold of 26 to 40 decibels. People with mild hearing loss have a hard time hearing soft speech, especially in noisy environments. Although this degree of hearing loss may or may not be significant for an adult, it can present major issues for a child still learning to talk.
Identify moderate hearing loss. Moderate hearing loss is identified by a hearing threshold of 41 to 55 decibels. People with moderate hearing loss have greater difficulty understanding speech at conversational levels. This is especially true in busy or noisy environments. Hearing aids are typically needed.
Understand moderately severe hearing loss. Moderately severe hearing loss is identified by a hearing threshold 56 to 70 decibels. People with a moderately severe hearing loss have great difficulty hearing conversational speech. It must be loud in order for them to hear it, and they likely have difficulty following group conversations. Hearing aids are typically needed.
Know severe hearing loss. Severe hearing loss is identified by a hearing threshold of 71 to 90 decibels. People with severe hearing loss cannot hear normal conversational speech. They also have difficulty understanding very loud speech and may only be able to hear shouting. Hearing aids may or may not help. The cochlear implant is an option for those with severe hearing loss.
Recognize profound hearing loss. Profound hearing loss is identified by a hearing threshold of 91 decibels and greater. People with profound hearing loss are unable to understand amplified speech. The cochlear implant is an option for people with profound hearing loss.