How to Prevent Tinnitus
Ask your doctor to check your medications to see if these are the causes of the tinnitus. Tinnitus can be the side effect of medications such as aspirin, antibiotics and antidepressants. If this is the case, your doctor may need to change your medications.
Minimize overexposure to loud noise, power tools, loud machinery and music. Continual exposure to these noises can severely affect your hearing.
Use special hearing devices to protect your ears. If you are unable to avoid these loud noises then wear ear plugs or muffs. Workers who use power tools or heavy machinery on a daily basis are particularly at risk for this condition.
Turn down the volume when you use a stereo headphone. Teenagers and young adults should avoid this practice as it can lead to tinnitus as well as hearing loss.
Make lifestyle changes to prevent tinnitus. Reduce your salt intake and refrain from caffeine, alcohol and smoking. These can cause tinnitus by reducing circulation to the ears.
Improve your circulation through a healthy diet and by exercising regularly. Check for hypertension by monitoring your blood pressure. If your blood pressure is high then see your doctor who can prescribe medication to control the hypertension.
Avoid excessive dieting, weight loss or being overweight as these can also cause tinnitus.