How to Remove Ear Wax
Things You'll Need
- Bulb syringe
- Equal parts warm soapy water with hydrogen peroxide
- Clean bowl
- Ear curette and the skill to use it
Mix the earwax removal solution by putting in equal parts of warm soapy water and hydrogen peroxide in a bowl. Test the water temperature to be certain it is comfortable for you. The water does not have to be extremely hot OR cold to work--just comfortable.
Insert bulb syringe into the solution and prep the syringe several times by withdrawing some solution and flushing it back into the water bowl. This will lubricate your bulb syringe and make it easier to use.
Gently pull your outer ear "up and out" to help straighten out the canal, which will allow better access for the solution.
Tilt your head to one side and gently instill ("squirt") one or more bulb syringes of the solution. (This might be best done in the shower so that the excess water will run into the bathtub and not on your floor!)
Allow the solution to remain in your ear for at least 60 seconds. Gently tilt your head in the opposite direction and wiggle your outer ear. You may note the solution return is now discolored or has chunks of ear wax in it. This is a good thing.
Sometimes earwax may not completely fall out of your ear; gentle removal with an ear curette can be done if you can see the clump of earwax. NEVER STICK ANYTHING INTO YOUR EAR CANAL!
Repeat Steps 3 to 6 on your other ear if needed. Also, you may find more than one flushing per ear may be required to rid yourself of ear wax!