How to Clean Children's Ears
Loosen up the wax build up by adding some warm olive oil into the ear. Let it sit in the ear for awhile to help loosen up the hard wax. Massage the outer area of the ear and then let the oil and wax drip out of the ear onto a Kleenex.
Using cotton swabs can be harmful to the ear, and it is best to know how to use them correctly. Never stick them into your child's ears and apply pressure. This can cause damage. Gently apply the swab in the outer part of the drum and gently clean the ears with a curving motion.
Use ear plugs. Children love to swim for hours on end, and can sometimes get water trapped within he ear. Buy ear plugs and remind your child to wear them if this happens often to them.
Make sure you clean the ears gently, but never try to get rid of all the wax. Our ears need a little bit of wax to keep moist. It is a normal fluid that is based within the ear, and it not considered dirty, or bad bacteria.
Ask your doctor if they can clean your child's ears. They will have the appropriate instruments to clean the ears, and you might even be able to see the inside of the ear drum on television.