How to Choose Hearing Aids for Kids
Find a qualified hearing health care professional that you trust. In your search for the best hearing aid for your child, you want to find someone that will be up front and honest with you about the options available to you.
Educate yourself on the different options before you decide which hearing aids to buy. One hundred percent digital hearing aids are an excellent choice, but depending on your insurance, budget and the severity of your child's hearing loss, and analog model might work just fine and be easier to maintain.
Make a list of all the needs your child's hearing aid must meet, and bring the list with you when making your purchase. If your child plays sports, swims, has trouble hearing in a crowded room or is likely to lose the hearing aids, you need to tailor your choice in hearing aids to meet these needs. A behind-the-ear model is usually best for young children.
Review your budget and health insurance plan. Determine how much you need to spend out of pocket or if your health insurance policy covers part or all of the cost of hearing aids for your child. Don't walk into the purchase decision without a good financial plan.
Use eyewear retainer cords and chains to prevent your child from losing their hearing aids at school and when they are active. Simply pin the cord to the back of their shirt and loop the ends around the stem of the hearing aid in behind the ear models. This is great for young children and for sports.