How to Treat Tinnitus
See your doctor to determine the cause of the tinnitus. It may be as simple as wax in your ears, which can be removed by the doctor or with a home kit. Your doctor should help you rule out or address other causes, such as high blood pressure, inner-ear disease or overuse of medications like aspirin.
Try medications to treat tinnitus. Tricyclic antidepressants such as Amitripxyline and Nortriptyline have proven useful in studies. Gabapentin (Neurontin) for migraines and acamprosate (Campral) for alcoholism are shown to relieve tinnitus. Benzodiazepines and Baclofen (nervous system depressants) also may work.
Cover up the noise of tinnitus with external noise. Use with a fan, soft music or low-volume radio static. Listen to CDs with white noise or natural sounds like rain and seaside. Use sound pillows that have small speakers inside pillows.
Wear a hearing aid, which amplifies outside sounds and makes the tinnitus noise less obvious.
Manage your levels of stress. Anxiety, depression and insomnia aggravate tinnitus. The noises will appear louder than they are. Relaxation techniques teach people to control certain automatic body functions. Try stress management, relaxation therapy, exercise, biofeedback, acupuncture or hypnosis to relax.
Exercise to increase blood circulation and calm nerves. Do tai chi and yoga.
Use natural remedies to treat tinnitus. Baking soda, magnesium, molasses and vinegar are most often tried. Take herbs and vitamins such as ginkgo and zinc.