How to Treat Ear Infections in Babies
Things You'll Need
- Pediatrician
- Pharmacist
- Physical examination
- Antibiotics
- Ear drops
- Children's pain reliever
- Warm compress
- Antihistamine
- Decongestant
Recognize the signs and symptoms of an ear infection in your baby. They include tugging or scratching the ear, difficulty hearing, fluid drainage, fussiness, crying, fever, flushed cheeks, nausea, aching in the ear and insomnia.
Visit your pediatrician if you suspect your baby is suffering from an ear infection. After conducting a physical examination your doctor will recommend the best way to treat your child's ear infection. Generally, he'll prescribe a course of antibiotics.
Consider having ear tubes inserted into your baby's eardrum if she suffers from recurring ear infections. Performed under general anesthesia by an ear, nose and throat surgeon, a small incision is made in the eardrum and a tiny tube is placed into the opening. Acting as a vent, the tube relieves pressure and allows air in and fluid out so bacteria can't thrive.
Administer the proper dose of a children's pain reliever, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, to treat an ear infection in a baby.
Place several warm ear drops into each ear or hold a warm compress against the ear to treat your baby's ear infection. Your pediatrician or pharmacist can recommend the best ear drops.
Seek relief for your baby's ear infection with infant antihistamines and decongestants if the problem is caused by allergies.
Relieve the symptoms of an ear infection by elevating your baby's head when they are lying down.
Choose one of the many natural remedies to treat your baby's ear infection. Like prescription medication, natural alternatives reduce pain, inflammation and discomfort. Search the Internet to find out where to purchase these products.