How to Treat a Benign Ear Cyst
Visit an otolaryngologist, more commonly known as an ear, nose and throat doctor. These doctors are specifically trained in treating conditions of the ear.
Get a CT scan of the ear so your doctor can identify the location and extent of the cyst. A hearing test is also typically conducted to determine the extent of hearing loss that may be attributed to the cyst.
Talk to your doctor about options for treatment. Some doctors will recommend leaving an asymptomatic ear cyst alone and monitoring it for growth. If the cyst appears large or is impairing hearing, surgery is likely.
Undergo surgery to remove an ear cyst. Surgery to remove a small ear cyst can be done through the ear canal. Removal of a larger ear cyst may require a mastoidectomy. During this procedure the surgeon may repair damage to the tympanic membrane or the bones vital for hearing.
Anticipate side effects of surgery. Common side effects include pain, infection or bleeding. Serious but rare side effects include damage to structures of the ear and facial nerve paralysis. There is sometimes a disturbance in balance or a feeling of dizziness. Also, middle ear surgery can lead to a taste disturbance.
Follow post-surgical treatment such as packing, ear drops and antibiotics.
Obtain another hearing test two to three months after surgery to determine the current state of hearing.