If my son fell out of a swing and hit the back his head he is now complaining that ears are hurting should I be concerned?
Here are some things to keep in mind:
* Ear pain can be a sign of a head injury, even if there is no visible bruising or swelling.
* Head injuries can cause internal bleeding, which can lead to serious problems if not treated promptly.
* Ear pain may also indicate damage to the bones around the ear, which could require specialized treatment.
It's important to take any potential head injury seriously, especially if your child is complaining of pain or other symptoms. If your son is experiencing ear pain or any other concerning symptoms after hitting his head, it's important to seek medical attention immediately.
Here are some additional tips for dealing with a head injury in a child:
* If your child is unconscious or unresponsive, call 911 immediately.
* If your child is conscious and alert, try to keep them still and calm.
* Apply a cold compress to the affected area to reduce swelling.
* Do not give your child any food or drink until they have been evaluated by a medical professional.
* Monitor your child closely for any changes in their condition.
Head injuries can be serious, so it's important to take any potential injury seriously and seek medical attention immediately.