What is the role of ear wax?
Lubrication: Earwax helps to lubricate the ear canal and the eardrum. This keeps the skin from becoming dry, cracked, or itchy, and it also makes it easier for sound waves to travel to the eardrum.
Protection: Earwax forms a protective barrier in the ear canal that helps to prevent dirt, dust, debris, and other foreign objects from entering the ear. It also prevents water from entering the ear during activities such as swimming or bathing.
Antibacterial and antifungal properties: Earwax contains substances that have antibacterial and antifungal properties, which help to prevent infections in the ear canal.
Removal of dead skin cells: Earwax helps to remove dead skin cells from the ear canal, preventing them from building up and causing irritation or infection.
Sound reduction: While earwax helps to transmit sound waves to the eardrum, it also provides some soundproofing by reducing the intensity of loud noises and sounds.