How to Keep My Ears From Popping While Flying
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Hard candy or gum
- Pacifier
- Straw
- Earplugs
- Decongestant
Warm up the muscles in your mouth. Yawn prior to taking off and landing, suggests the Mayo Clinic. Swallowing can help, too. Using the muscles in your mouth can help alleviate air pressure buildup and prevent the popping sensation.
Frequent swallowing prevents clogged ears. Drink water during your flight. Drinking fluids makes you swallow more and encourages the thickening of nasal mucous, according to Kids Health. Thickened nasal mucous helps prevent clogged Eustachian tubes.
Chewing gum or sucking on candy might help. Chew gum or suck on candy. Allow your child, if she's over age 3, to suck on a lollipop while flying.
Pinch your nose and gently blow. Avoid opening your mouth while blowing your nose. Do this several times to decrease air pressure.
Help your child. Give your baby a pacifier to suck on or feed him with a baby bottle. Allow your older child to blow bubbles with a straw in his drink, recommends Mayo Clinic.
Equalize ear pressure with earplugs. Put earplugs into your ears before takeoff and take them out when the plane lands.
Take a decongestant before boarding the plane if your nose feels stuffy. It will relieve pressure on your Eustachian tubes.