How to Get Rid of Compacted Ear Wax Build Up
Earwax is produced in the ear canal as a lubricant and functions to keep bacteria and dirt from migrating to the ear drum. Contrary to popular belief, ears do not need to be cleaned unless too much wax is being created. Using cotton swabs can actually push the wax farther into the ear canal, creating a blockage. Symptoms include hearing loss, earaches, coughing, itching, abnormal noises in the ear and a plugged or full feeling in the ear. Prolonged or permanent hearing loss can occur of the obstruction is not removed.Things You'll Need
- Baby oil or mineral oil
- Ear drops
- Hydrogen peroxide
Insert a few drops of baby oil, ear drops or hydrogen peroxide into each ear every day to soften the wax. Do not insert anything into the ear canal in an attempt to remove the wax.
Tip your head to one side, pull your earlobe out to open the ear canal and pour a stream of room-temperature water into the ear to soften the wax. Repeat as needed.
Lie down with the affected ear on a towel to catch any wax or fluid that emerges.
Consult a physician if you are still experiencing a blockage. Severely impacted ear wax may require a more delicate procedure that can only be performed by a doctor.