How to Reduce Cauliflower Ear
Things You'll Need
- Soft towel
- Cold compress
- Ibuprofen
Apply pressure to the affected ear immediately after impact. Wrap your hand in a soft towel and push firmly against the ear.
Prepare a cold compress (an ice pack or bag of frozen vegetables) and place it over the ear. Along with applied pressure, the cold temperature prevents excessive swelling and restricts blood flow to the area.
Take a dose of ibuprofen. Refer to the bottle's label to determine the recommended dosage for your age. Ibuprofen helps reduce inflammation.
Consult your physician as soon as possible. Having the ear quickly drained of any collected fluid will reduce your chances of disfigurement and alleviate pain. If the cartilage of your ear must be stitched, keep the ear clean, and avoid participating in any physical activity until the stitches have been removed.