How to Avoid Ear Problems
Things You'll Need
- Vinegar
- Rubbing alcohol
- Ear plugs
- Soap
- Water
- Swimming cap
Ear Infections
Keep your hands clean. Wash your hands often to prevent the development of illnesses such as the cold or flu. According to Family Doctor, children have a higher risk of developing ear infections due to the exposure of germs and viruses in daycare settings.
Avoid picking at your ear. Prevent outer ear infections by not using cotton swabs to clean your ears. You can pack wax and debris deeper into the ear canal, leading to infection.
Avoid habits that can cause ear problems. Take steps to avoid smoking. As indicated by My Health Manager, smoking and secondhand smoke contributes to blocked eustachian tubes. The eustachian tube connects the middle ear to your throat.
Swimmer's Ear
Cover your ears when swimming. Wear ear plugs when swimming. Shape the ear plugs to fit snugly within your ear. Wear a swimmer's cap over your ears as well. This will help prevent water from entering the ear canal.
Don't go under the water. Stay on the surface of water while swimming. Submerging under the water allows water to enter the ear canal.
Dry your ears when the ears are exposed to water. Tip your head from side to side to drain out excess water.
Use a preventive swimmer's ear drop. Mayo Clinic states that a solution of one part white vinegar and one part rubbing alcohol can prevent the growth of bacteria and dry the ear after swimming. Apply a few drops of the mixture to the ear before and after swimming.
Prevent ear ringing. Protect your ears with ear plugs if you use loud machinery. Long-term exposure to loud noises will damage nerves in your ears, leading to ringing in your ears.
Keep sounds audible, not loud. Keep the television and loud music down. Listening to loud sounds through headphones or on the TV will result in hearing loss and tinnitus.
Keep your blood vessels open. Exercise to keep your circulation flowing. Take steps to living healthy, such as not smoking, to prevent the constriction of blood vessels. Taking care of yourself can prevent tinnitus.