How to Use Altitude to Unclog Ears

Anytime you ascend or descend to a high altitude, usually during air travel or mountain driving, your ears are likely to feel full. This occurs because of pressure on the eardrums. Your eustachian tubes, which are inside your ears, either collapse or become engorged as air pressure increases or decreases. The fluctuation causes your eardrums to bulge either inward or outward. To release this pressure, you will need to vent the air in your eustachian tubes. If the pressure is not equalized, it will cause greater pain in your ears. Simple techniques exist to release this pressure in altitude.

Things You'll Need

  • Stick of gum
  • Something to drink, such as water, soda or juice
  • Food
  • Tissues
  • Decongestant tablets
  • Nasal spray
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  1. Depressurizing Your Ears

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      Yawn. Just widening the back of your throat will cause a release of ear pressure.

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      Pinch your nose, keep mouth closed and gently blow. Air is forced out your ears and releases built up pressure.

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      Burp. Forcing out a burp will open up ear passages and alleviate pressure.

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      Chew gum, or bite and chew a food item. The chewing process keeps ear tubes open and clear.

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      Swallow deeply. By activating the muscles in the back of your throat, you will open your eustachian tubes.

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      Drink a glass of water, soda or juice. Swallowing will open your throat and release the air trapped in your ears.

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      Take decongestant tablets like Sudafed and use sprays, such as Drixene. Both reduce eustachian tube swelling, making it easier for them to open.

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