Why is it much better to breath form your nose then from mouth?
1. Filtration: The nasal passages contain tiny hairs and mucus that help filter out dust, pollen, allergens, and other particles from the air you breathe. This helps to protect your lungs from irritation and infection.
2. Humidification: The lining of the nasal passages helps to humidify the air you breathe, which can help to prevent your throat and lungs from drying out. This is especially important in dry climates or during cold weather.
3. Temperature regulation: The nasal passages also help to regulate the temperature of the air you breathe. This helps to protect your lungs from cold or hot air that can cause irritation or damage.
4. Nasal nitric oxide: The nasal passages produce nitric oxide, a gas that has several important functions in the body, including relaxing the airways and reducing inflammation. Nitric oxide is thought to play a role in preventing asthma and other respiratory problems.
5. Sense of smell: Breathing through your nose allows you to experience the sense of smell, which is an important part of enjoying food and detecting potential hazards in the environment.
There are some situations where it may be necessary to breathe through your mouth, such as during exercise or when you have a nasal obstruction. However, in general, it is best to breathe through your nose.
Here are some tips for nasal breathing:
- Practice nasal breathing by consciously breathing in and out through your nose several times a day.
- If you have a stuffy nose, try using a saline nasal spray or irrigator to clear your nasal passages.
- Avoid sleeping on your back, as this can make nasal breathing more difficult.
If you have difficulty breathing through your nose, talk to your doctor. They can evaluate your condition and recommend treatment if necessary.