What action should be taken when hearing aid been in a narrow channel?
1. Stay calm and don't panic. It is important to remain composed and not to make any sudden movements that could further damage your ear or the hearing aid.
2. Try to remove the hearing aid or earmold yourself. Gently and carefully try to remove the hearing aid or earmold from the channel using your fingers or a soft cloth. Do not use sharp objects such as tweezers or nails, as these could cause damage to your ear.
3. If you cannot remove the hearing aid or earmold yourself, seek professional help. If you are unable to remove the hearing aid or earmold on your own, it is important to seek help from a medical professional such as an audiologist, otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat doctor), or a doctor from an urgent care center.
4. Follow any instructions given by the medical professional. The medical professional may provide instructions on how to safely remove the hearing aid or earmold, or they may need to remove it for you. It is important to follow any instructions given by the medical professional to avoid further damage.
5. Get a replacement hearing aid or earmold if needed. If the hearing aid or earmold has been damaged, you may need to get a replacement. Consult with your audiologist or hearing aid dispenser to determine the best option for you.