Can a voice change twice?
1. Puberty (Adolescent Voice Change):
- Boys: During puberty, boys experience a significant deepening and transformation of their voices due to the growth of their vocal cords. The larynx, or voice box, enlarges, and the vocal folds become thicker and longer, resulting in a lower vocal range.
- Girls: Girls also go through vocal changes during puberty, but they are generally less dramatic compared to boys. Their voices may become slightly lower and fuller as their vocal cords grow.
2. Aging (Presbyphonia):
As individuals age, their voices may change once again. This age-related change is known as presbyphonia. It is characterized by a gradual decline in vocal range, pitch, and volume. The vocal cords become thinner and less elastic, resulting in a weaker, breathy voice quality.
It's worth noting that other factors, such as vocal strain, medical conditions, and vocal training, can also influence the sound and characteristics of a person's voice.