How do you listen carefully to patients?
Look at them directly.
Lean forward slightly.
Avoid distractions. Turn your phone off, and step away from your computer if possible.
Wait for them to finish speaking before responding.
2. Let the person know you are listening.
Use verbal cues, such as "I understand," "Yes," and "mm-hmm."
Keep your body language open and inviting.
Nod your head and make eye contact.
3. Ask clarifying questions.
If you don't understand something, ask for clarification.
Avoid interrupting if possible.
Wait until the person is finished speaking to ask your question.
4. Be respectful and nonjudgmental.
Listen without making assumptions or judgments.
Be open to hearing new and different perspectives.
Avoid offering advice or solutions unless the person asks for it.
5. Be patient and allow silence.
Don't rush the person speaking.
Be comfortable with silence. Silence can give the person time to think and gather their thoughts.
6. Show that you care.
Let the person know that you care about them and what they have to say.
Express empathy and understanding.
Be kind and compassionate.