Small bumps inside the ear lobe new piercing 4 weeks ago?

Small, painless bumps inside the earlobe after a new piercing are likely to be piercing bumps, also called keloids. Keloids are a common response to trauma to the skin and can occur after a piercing. They are usually harmless and will go away on their own in a few weeks or months. However, if you are experiencing pain, redness, or swelling, you should see a doctor to rule out any complications or infections.

To help reduce the risk of developing piercing bumps and to care for your piercing, you should:

- Clean the piercing regularly. Wash the piercing with a mild soap and water twice a day. Avoid using harsh soaps, antibacterial soaps, or rubbing alcohol, as these can irritate the piercing.

- Don't touch or pick at the piercing. This can introduce bacteria and delay healing, increasing the risk of infection.

- Gently dry the piercing. After cleaning the piercing, pat it dry with a clean towel or gauze. Do not rub or pull at the piercing.

- Avoid sleeping on the pierced ear. This can put pressure on the piercing and cause irritation.

- Stay away from swimming pools, hot tubs, and other bodies of water. The chlorine and bacteria in these can infect the piercing.

- Don't change your jewelry until the piercing is fully healed. This is usually after 6-8 weeks for earlobe piercings.

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