What Bad Effects Can Happen From an Ear Being Plugged by Ear Wax?
Tinnitus is a noise or ringing in your ears. While tinnitus isn't typically a serious condition, it can be annoying and interfere with daily function. In some cases, removing the wax buildup in the ear will eliminate or improve the condition.
Vertigo can occur as a result of wax buildup in the ear. Vertigo causes dizziness and the sensation that you are moving, falling or leaning when you aren't. It can may make it difficult for you to stand or walk because you can feel off balance. It can also cause nausea and vomiting.
Ear Infection
Earwax blockage can cause an infection of the ear. In many cases the infection is of the outer ear, which is commonly called swimmer's ear. According to The National Library of Medicine, symptoms of an external ear infection may include pain, itching and drainage from the ear.
Hearing Loss
Buildup of wax in the ear can cause hearing loss. In most cases this type of hearing loss is temporary. Using earwax softeners and flushing the ear with a syringe can help remove the wax and restore hearing.