How to Safely Clean Earwax Out of the Ear
Earwax is nature's way of keeping the ear clean and lubricated. Earwax forms from the inside and moves outward slowly in a cycle. Regular cleaning of the outer ear with a Q-tip is OK to remove unsightly old earwax, but that won't remove earwax blockage that can limit hearing. For earwax buildup, follow these easy steps to remove it.Things You'll Need
- Baby oil
- Towel
- Eyedropper
Lie down with your ear facing toward the ceiling. Place a few drops of baby oil into your ear, keeping your ear up for 10 seconds, then tilt your head to let the oil drip out onto the towel.
Straighten your ear canal by tugging your ear upward.
Put several drops of water into your ear with the eyedropper to flush out the ear canal.
Drain the water onto the towel and repeat as necessary. Don't squirt water into your ear too quickly.