How to Get Rid of Wax Buildup in Your Ear

Earwax keeps your ear safe from dirt and debris by keeping the dirt from going down into the inner ear. Earwax can be hard or soft and usually works its way out of your ear on its own. But if overproduction of earwax occurs or your earwax is very hard, wax buildup can develop in your ear, causing a plugged-up ear. An ear that's clogged with earwax can cause pain and dizziness, so it's best to get rid of the excess wax buildup.

Things You'll Need

  • Eyedropper
  • Mineral oil
  • Washcloth
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Cotton swabs
  • Rubbing alcohol
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    • 1

      Draw mineral oil into an eyedropper so the dropper is filled halfway. Lie down so the ear with excessive earwax is facing the ceiling. Drip four drops of mineral oil into the ear's opening, leaving the ear facing the ceiling.

    • 2
      Wipe away wax and wax-removal supplies with a soft washcloth.

      Allow the mineral oil to drip down into the ear canal for three to five minutes. Then sit up and tilt your head so your ear with the excessive earwax is facing down. Use your washcloth to wipe away mineral oil as it drips out of your ear.

    • 3

      Fill the eyedropper halfway with hydrogen peroxide. Lie down again so the affected ear is facing toward the ceiling. Place three drops of the peroxide in the ear and allow the drops to drain down into the ear canal to help loosen any excessive earwax that remains.

    • 4

      Sit up and swab the ear opening with cotton swabs to wipe away excessive earwax as it comes out of the ear. Change to clean cotton swabs and keep wiping away earwax, taking care not to insert the cotton swab into the ear canal.

    • 5

      Place three drops of rubbing alcohol in your ear act as a drying agent to remove moisture from the peroxide or oil. Tilt your ear up, then down so the alcohol can drain down into the ear, then out again. Wipe away with a washcloth.

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