Earwax Problems

Earwax, though often regarded as an annoyance, is actually vital to normal ear function. It protects the ear canal and helps prevent infection. But when the body produces too much earwax, it can cause partial hearing loss and other problems.
  1. Symptoms

    • Typically, earwax problems occur when the body produces too much earwax or when earwax becomes impacted in the ear. Symptoms include partial hearing loss, ringing and a feeling of fullness in the ear.


    • You can try one of several remedies if you are having problems with excess earwax. A simple at-home treatment to soften the wax is to place a few drops of mineral oil or baby oil in the ear. If that doesn't work, try irrigating the ear canal using a rubber syringe filled with water. You can purchase an at-home kit at a pharmacy, or have your doctor remove the wax for you.


    • Never use a cotton swab to remove earwax. You'll risk pushing the earwax in further, making the impaction worse. Cotton swabs are a common cause of impaction, not a treatment. You also risk puncturing the ear canal and damaging it permanently.

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