How to Remove Ear Wax in Toddlers
Things You'll Need
- Chair
- Towel
- Eyedropper
- Baby oil
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Cotton swabs
- Rubbing alcohol
Have your toddler sit in a comfortable chair, preferably soft enough to lean her head against the one side or the other. Give your toddler a towel to hold in case she wants to help wipe away drips.
Fill an eyedropper with room temperature baby oil. Position the toddler's head so the clogged ear is facing the ceiling. Slowly drip three to five drops of baby oil in the toddler's ear to soften the ear wax.
Leave the baby oil in the toddler's ear for up to five minutes. Straighten the toddler's head and have her wipe her ear with the towel. Involving your toddler in the process will help keep her in place for the process of removing the wax.
Hold the tip of the eyedropper above your toddler's ear, rather than in it. Tilt your toddler's head to the side again so the clogged ear is facing up and use the eyedropper to place a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into the ear. The peroxide will help loosen and remove any remaining ear wax.
Use cotton swabs to gently wipe away ear wax from the outside of the ear. Wipe near the opening of the ear canal with cotton swabs to remove pieces of ear wax as they make their way out of the ear canal. Place the cotton swab near the opening of the ear, but not in it. Continue to wipe, with clean cotton swabs, as the loosened ear wax moves out of the ear.
Drop two or three drops of rubbing alcohol into your toddler's ear to dry up any moisture from the ear-wax removal process. Moisture in the ear can be uncomfortable and affect hearing.