How to Unstuff Your Ears
Things You'll Need
- Ear drops
- Medicine dropper
- Rubber syringe
- Cotton swabs
- Rubbing alcohol
Lay down on your side so the stuffed up ear is facing up. Grasp the ear lobe between your thumb and index finger and gently pull down to open the ear. Place the tip of the medicine dropper at the opening of your ear and drop in three over-the-counter ear drops.
Remain on your side for a few minutes so the ear drops can move down into the ear canal. The ear drops will soften and loosen the ear wax so it can move more easily out of the ear.
Put lukewarm water into a rubber syringe. Use the water to irrigate the ear by slowly squirting small amounts of water into the ear. Irrigating the ear will help loosen the ear wax so it can make its way out.
Cotton swabs remove loosened ear wax and help keep ears clean. Roll over to your other side so the stuffed up ear is now facing down. Remain in this position for a few minutes so the ear wax can begin to drain. Remove ear wax, as it comes out, with a cotton swab.
Place two to three drops of rubbing alcohol in the ear to remove moisture. Allow the rubbing alcohol to drip down into the ear, then tilt your head toward the floor and let the rubbing alcohol drip out.