How to Clear the Middle Ear
Things You'll Need
- Decongestant
- Ear drops
Keep your head titled to one side to remove fluid. Staying in an upright position causes fluid to settle in the ear. Lie on your side to help fluid drain or escape the middle ear. Alternate sides to clear the other ear.
Clear mucus in the ears. Drain mucus from both ears with an over-the-counter decongestant. Take this medication with colds or sinus congestion. Antihistamines help clear middle ear congestion that results from an allergic reaction. Use medications as directed.
Expose your ears to heat. Heat from a shower, sauna or wet cloth placed over both ears helps dissolve mucus and drain fluid from the ears.
Use ear drops. Pharmacies sell ear treatments to help break up mucus in the ear. Place ear drops in one or both ears as instructed to help clear the middle ear and stop congestion.
Balance the pressure in your ears. Chewing gum and continuous yawning stretches the jaw muscles and lets air into the middle ear. This maneuver alters the air pressure in the ears and helps pop the eustachian tube. Drinking liquids such as water also increases air in the middle ear and clears congestion.