What Causes Ear Wax Buildup?
Ear Disorders
Disorders of the ear can result in a buildup of earwax by causing the ear canal to narrow, making it more difficult for the wax to migrate out of the canal. Infections of the ear, especially in people who develop them chronically, can cause narrowing of the ear canal. Damage to the bones of the ear or diseases of the skin and connective tissue might also cause narrowing of the ear canal and a buildup of earwax, according to Melissa Conrad Stoppler, M.D., of MedicineNet.com.
Excessive Secretion
Some people might simply excrete an excessive amount of earwax, which can cause the wax to build up. In others, excessive secretion and buildup of earwax might result from medical problems with the ear, such as trauma. Foreign objects in the ear, like sand, dust or even an insect can block the ear canal and cause an excess of earwax. Secretion of earwax that is too thick can also cause problems with migration of the earwax out of the ear canal, resulting in earwax buildup. According to Dr. Stoppler of MedicineNet.com, this condition is more common in older adults.
Improper Cleaning Techniques
According to the Mayo Clinic, cleaning the ears with a cotton swab can actually push earwax further back into the ear, resulting in a buildup. The wax could even build up to the point of creating a blockage in the ear canal, which then requires medical treatment to remove. Sticking other objects into the ear in an attempt to clean it, including fingers, hair pins, twisted corners of tissue, pipe cleaners or nail files can also cause earwax to build up and might even harm the ear canal or ear drum.
Hearing Aids
The use of hearing aids can cause a buildup of earwax. Hearing aids are worn in the outer third of the ear canal, where earwax is produced. Continually inserting the hearing aids, day after day, can result in the earwax being pushed back into the ear canal. In addition, using a hearing aid does not allow the earwax to complete its migration to the outside of the ear canal, which can further increase the buildup.
Earbuds--lightweight, portable headphones--are devices that people insert into the ear canal. If used regularly and for long periods, earbuds can cause the earwax to push back into the ear canal and build up. Leaving the earbuds in for long periods can also inhibit the natural migration of earwax to the opening of the ear canal and cause a buildup of earwax.