How do I Treat Irritation of Inner Ear That Causes Dizziness?
Things You'll Need
- Medications
Visit your doctor for an accurate diagnosis. Your inner ear can become damaged, inflamed and irritated from several different causes. Your doctor will recommend an appropriate treatment plan for your specific ailment.
Ask your doctor about medications that temporarily relieve your dizziness. Drugs like meclizine, diazepam and over-the-counter dimenhydrinate may help relieve your dizziness while you recover.
Ask your doctor if corticosteroids might be appropriate for you. Depending on your specific condition, corticosteroids may help improve your sense of balance and orientation.
Go to a physical therapist for vestibular rehabilitation. Your therapist will design specific exercises for your ailment. They can improve how your brain adapts to the irritation of your inner ear, reducing dizziness. Usually, these exercises include moving your eyes and head in certain ways. Sometimes, a therapist may ask you to move your head gently while walking to improve your balance.
Get plenty of rest while you are recovering. If you have severe dizziness, do not attempt to work or attend school--you risk falling down and hurting yourself. When you sense that you are becoming dizzy, sit down immediately. If you feel dizzy while lying down, try propping up the upper half of your body.
Limit your use of substances that restrict blood vessels. These include caffeine, tobacco and alcohol. Restricted blood vessels may worsen your symptoms.