Why Do People Get Vertigo?
Vertigo is a sensation of dizziness where a person feels his center of balance has come completely undone. The sensation is often described as the room spinning around the person suffering from the condition, causing him to lose his balance entirely. Vertigo can be caused by a number of factors.
Inner Ear Trouble
Problems with the inner ear can lead to a loss of balance. The area past the ear canal contains bone structures that allow a person to keep his balance and to hear properly, and difficulties in this area can lead to sensations of vertigo. Hearing is essential to keeping your sense of balance, so when a person begins to lose her hearing (especially when it's in only one ear) she might experience vertigo. There is also an important nerve in the inner ear that, if compressed, will cause pain and the sensation of vertigo in the sufferer.
There are a number of diseases that list vertigo as a symptom. Central nervous system disorders like epilepsy or multiple sclerosis can create vertigo in a person. Migraine headaches (not to be confused with your average, run-of-the-mill headaches) and even an over-production and buildup of ear wax can cause vertigo.
Vertigo is also associated with people who have sustained injuries. Injuries to the spine and neck are known for causing vertigo, as are injuries to the head. In some cases, vertigo can ease as the healing begins, but in others it might be a lingering symptom of the injury.
Many times vertigo can be the side effect of a medication. If the medication affects the central nervous system (such as medicine that's taken as a pain killer to dull nerve sensation), or if the medication causes an alteration in neurotransmitters that could cause a misfiring of the nervous system (which also could lead to a seizure), there's a chance that vertigo also will be a side effect. Whether or not a person gets vertigo often depends on the individual, so you always should report side effects to your doctor.