How to Use an MP3 Player for Tinnitus Habituation
Things You'll Need
- MP3 player
- MP3 music manager software
- White noise MP3 file
- Portable speakers or headphones
Download white noise MP3 files to your computer from the Internet. Search for the terms "white noise MP3" to find websites with free and commercial white noise files to download. Some files may contain artificially generated white noise sound. Some may contain recordings of natural sounds such as rain storms, waterfalls or waves lapping on a beach. Right-click on a file you want to save, then in the "Save As" dialog box, browse to the folder in which you want to save the file, enter a name for the file and click "OK."
Start your MP3 music manager software application. For example, if you have iTunes, click the Windows "Start" button, click the "All Programs" button, click the iTunes sub-menu entry, then click the "iTunes" menu item. If you do not have iTunes and you have an iPod MP3 player, install iTunes from the CD packaged with your iPod or from Apple's website.
Add the new MP3 files to your iTunes library. On Macintosh, click the "File" menu, then click the "Add to Library" menu item. On Windows, click the "Add File to Library" or "Add Folder to Library" menu item. Select the new MP3 files from the folder on your computer where you downloaded them.
Connect your MP3 player to your computer with the MP3 player's cable or begin a wireless connection if the player supports wireless connectivity. The music manager software may transfer the MP3 files to the MP3 player automatically, or you can transfer the MP3 files with the application button or menu item you normally use. A progress indicator in the iTunes application window indicates which file is being transferred and how many total files will be transferred. The process takes only a few seconds per file.
Plug your portable speakers or headphones into the MP3 player when you are in a quiet environment. Play the white noise MP3 files on the MP3 player at a low volume level to mask the ringing sound in your ears.