Ear Swelling & Pain
Bony cartilage, soft cartilage, skin, bone, membranes and nerves make up your ears. Any part of your ear is susceptible to swelling and pain.
The external ear consists of your earlobes, ear canal and ear drum. External swelling and pain is commonly caused by an ear infection or skin irritation. Acne, psoriasis and ear piercings affect sensitive outer ear skin. A blackhead on your earlobe can swell and be painful. Earlobes are susceptible to skin cancer, protect your ears by applying sunscreen.
Visible swelling will only be present with an external ear condition. Dizziness is a key indicator for the presence of inner ear inflammation. Infections--external or internal--cause the most severe ear pain. Pain from an infection is usually constant and intensifies when you press behind your ear lobe. A dull or mild ear ache can be triggered by earwax build-up.
Your internal ear controls balance and hearing abilities. Inner ear tissues are susceptible to damage from high blood pressure, prescription drugs, viruses and head trauma. Avoid self diagnosing ear pain and swelling, consult your physician instead.
To soothe ear pain and swelling use a warm compress, heating pad set on low or warm ear drops. Wash your ears with face cleanser to avoid painful blackheads.