What Is Sweet Oil for the Ears?
In 1846, Lydia Maria Child, a popular writer of advice books for women, touted sweet oil as a way to relieve a child's earache pain. She recommended placing a piece of cotton wool moistened with sweet oil and paragoric, which is derived from opium, in the child's ear.
A common home remedy today involves warming the sweet oil slightly, and then placing two to three drops into the affected ear.
According to U.S. Pharmacist journal, warmed sweet oil can provide short-term relief from ear pain. The oil, however, cannot penetrate far enough to reach the infection, which is usually beyond the ear drum in the middle ear.
Using sweet oil to treat earache can keep parents from taking their children to the doctor promptly. The oil can also make it difficult for a doctor to examine the ear.
Pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can relieve earache pain. One home remedy that may help is placing a warm, moist washcloth or compress over the ear. The doctor may also prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection.