Signs and Symptoms of Water in the Inner Ear
Water in the inner ear will usually hurt. The pain will increase over the course of a couple days, and it will usually stay in just one ear. Many other factors can cause ear pain, including impacted wax and trauma from air pressure. Pain in the inner ear increases significantly when you touch or pull on the ear.
Most ear itching results from skin conditions you can see, such as eczema, psoriasis or an allergic reaction. If you see no change on the skin, though, the cause is internal, such as earwax, fluid or water in the inner ear.
Reduced Hearing
This symptom is comparatively rare, but it happens sometimes. If you quickly lose partial hearing in one ear, something is most likely obstructing the ear canal -- either wax, a foreign body or water.
Ringing in the Ear
Water often creates a lingering sound of ringing in the inner ear. Long-term chronic ringing (called tinnitus) indicates other causes, such as neurological issues, wax build-up, a foreign body in the ear or age-related issues, but new acute ringing could result from water in the inner ear.
Most ear swelling results from injury, such as a sudden blow. If both ears start swelling, that suggests an allergic reaction, particularly to a metal, such as nickel or chromium. Water in the inner ear, though, causes inflammation in a single ear. The ear itself will appear red. If the swelling is severe, it may squeeze the ear canal shut, further reducing your hearing.
Your temperature will occasionally rise when there's water in the inner ear. This symptom is rare, however.
If there's water in the inner ear, fluid will often drain out. The nature of the fluid can vary considerably depending on whether infection has taken root. The discharge may be white, yellow or clear. The discharge may also contain blood and smell foul.