Vestibular Weakness
The vestibular organ is located in the inner ear and sends signals to the brain indicating head and body movements. It allows the pet to maintain its balance.
A pet with a vestibular disorder or weakness will often stumble and fall, seem generally uncoordinated or circle in place. The pet will also hold its head cocked or tilted to one side. Loss of eye control or nystagmus is another symptom pets commonly experience with this type of disorder. The eyes will drift repeatedly from side to side or up and down.
There are many possible causes for vestibular weakness. Idiopathic disease is the most common cause. It is unknown exactly what brings on idiopathic vestibular disease or why cats in the Northeastern United States usually come down with it in the late summer or early fall. Other common causes are ear infection, head trauma and brain lesions.
The determination of proper treatment for a vestibular weakness or disorder should be done in conjunction with a qualified veterinarian. Idiopathic vestibular disease will usually improve within three days and disappear completely in a week or two. Sometimes all symptoms except the head tilt will go away but the animal will usually adjust to it and get along without any problems. Medication to control nausea is usually given to help alleviate the symptoms until the animal recovers. If the cause is determined to be an ear infection the animal is given antibiotics for up to eight weeks.
Pets afflicted with vestibular weakness or disease will often try to continue to move around. Try to keep the pet calm and confined until it is treated and symptoms subside. Dogs should not be taken up or down steps. Do not allow a cat suffering from this disease outside.