Medicine for Tinnitus Hyperacusis
There are various homeopahtic remedies that may help treat tinnitus and hyperacusis, including Calcarea carbonica, Cimicifuga and Kali carbonicum. Consult a homeopath and try one remedy at a time, discontinuing use if symptoms subside.
Chinese Medicine
A traditional Chinese herbal medicine called Er Long Zuo Ci Wan is used to treat tinnitus and deafness. If possible, visit a local Chinatown instead of ordering online (which is much more expensive).
Alternative Medicine
Acupuncture, yoga and craniosacral therapy may all be beneficial because they increase circulation (which may be blocked to the ear) and have calming effects, as tinnitus can be stress-related.
Vitamin B12 and magnesium deficiencies have both been linked to tinnitus. Taking supplements may help ease symptoms.
What to Avoid
Don't fall for pills sold online or in drug stores that promise a miracle cure for tinnitus. They generally do not work.