Mineral Oil for an Earache
The two main primary causes of ear aches are trapped moisture with in the ear and bacterial growth inside the ear canal or behind the eardrum.
Types of Earache
There are two main types of earaches known as Otitis externa and Otitis media. Externa is a skin infection of the outer ear or ear canal, other known as swimmers ear. Media is an infection of the middle ear or eardrum often caused by bacteria.
Mineral Oil
Mineral oil is a commonly used home remedy to an ear ache. The oils help remove water from the ear and offer a protective coating over the sensitive ear canal. This type of home remedy can be beneficial for minor ear aches, swimmers ear, or otitis externa.
Prevention Tips
Do not put anything in the ears. This includes fingers, cotton swabs and any other objects. Do not blow the nose in a violent manner. Avoid cigarette smoke, as it is a direct cause of increasing earaches and infections. Wear ear plugs when submerged in water. Flushing ears with vinegar, water or rubbing alcohol will keep them clean.
Problems with ears can be serious and cause permanent damage. If an earache or pain remains for an extended period of time, professional medical advice is recommended.