How to Relieve Ear Pressure When Traveling in High Elevations
Things You'll Need
- Chewing gum
- Candy
- Baby bottle
- Pacifier
- Antihistamine
- Decongestant
Swallow often. This simple remedy will often relieve ear pressure.
Chew gum. The movement of the jaw while chewing gum helps to relieve ear pressure. Chewing gum will also cause you to swallow more often.
Yawn, or go through the actions of yawning. Yawning stretches the jaw and can be very effective in equalizing ear pressure.
Suck on candy. Along with the helpful sucking action, candy will increase your saliva production, enabling you to swallow more often.
Breastfeed babies often during high-elevation travel to relieve their ear pressure. You can also give them a bottle or pacifier.
Take antihistamines or decongestants prior to traveling to higher elevations to prevent the buildup of ear pressure.
Take a breath of air and then gently exhale while holding your nostrils closed and keeping your mouth shut. Try this method only if the other methods have failed. Do not attempt this method if you have a cold or sinus infection.