Ear Fungus in Humans
The ear offers fungus an optimal environment to multiply in. Fungi love dark, warm and moist places; your ears are all of the above.
Fungus can be found in bodies of water like swimming pools, hot tubs and lakes. If you frequent these types of water holes, you have an increased risk of developing ear fungus.
Fungus like molds and yeasts can cause irritation and infection in your sinuses. Your sinuses connect to your middle ears. A severe fungal sinus infection can spread to your ear causing a fungal ear infection.
The most common name for ear fungus is swimmers ear. According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, swimmer’s ear is a painful condition resulting from inflammation, irritation or infection. These symptoms occur when water or earwax become trapped in your ear canal, allowing fungus and bacteria to spread.
After swimming, place two to three drops of hydrogen peroxide into each ear canal. Leave the peroxide in your ear for one minute. Place a cotton ball over your ear and drain the excess peroxide.
If you suspect an active ear or sinus infection, contact your doctor. Anti-fungal drops may be necessary to stop the growth of fungus in your ear.