Different Ear Problems
Ears are susceptible to bacterial and viral infections, which can settle in your inner ear, damaging balance and hearing nerves. Growths and tumors, while rare, can occur anywhere in the ear. A common reoccurring problem for some people is earwax build-up.
Moisture from swimming or mucous from sinus infections and colds can cause bacteria infections. Viral infections cause inner ear swelling and irritation, as well as conditions such as vertigo, Meniere's disease and sudden deafness.
Ear problems' symptoms include temporary hearing loss, earache, a feeling of fullness and pressure.
Repeat exposure to loud sounds can cause tinnitus (ringing in your ear) and hearing loss. Air pressure can cause eardrum rupture if your ears don't "pop."
A few drops of peroxide in each ear after swimming help prevent ear infections. An at-home ear-cleaning kit, used two or three times a year, deters earwax build-up. Clearing your sinuses helps your Eustachian tube work more effectively during changes in air pressure--pilots use nasal spray before and after flying.